Life Vision Course Comparison

You’re ready to change your life, but unsure which program to choose. Here are True North we want you to do what’s best for you. When you’re ready for Visioning, it will be here ready for you.

In our 2023 Vision course comparison, we’re showing you why True North is worth it over similar programs:

No other program offers…

  1. A private community hosted by the Founder where you can regularly interact, get guidance, and meet other elite Visionaries.

  2. Direct feedback through private messaging, plus free weekly calls with Lois to help you get the most out of the program.

  3. Lifetime access to all the modules and videos so you can be ready to create your next Vision.

For the same price as most other cohort-based programs.

ProgramDirect FeedbackLifetime AccessPrivate CommunityMoney-back Guarantee
True North✔️✔️✔️30 Days
Lifebook✔️✔️15 Days
Life Visioning by Michael Beckwith✔️
Shift Network✔️14 Days

How do compare Vision coaches

  • Relationship with your coach. Compatibility is crucial to efficacy. Seek out a coach who is supportive, nonjudgmental, and takes the time to understand your specific goals and challenges.

  • Results. Look for a coach with a proven track record of helping clients achieve their goals. Reading reviews, and testimonials, and asking for references can give you a better understanding of the coach's success rate.

  • Experience. Look for coaches with years of experience in both Visioning and coaching, as well as a good reputation and potentially, certifications.

  • Fits your situation. Look for flexibility in program options, pricing, availability of the coach, and how to access materials.

  • Cost. Be sure to understand the cost upfront and make sure it fits within your budget. Lois offers free consultations so that you can ask the questions you need. Take advantage of these opportunities to ask questions about the program's value and explore payment plan options if necessary. You will likely get what you pay for, so do your research into this precious investment.

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