Mega list of unique self care ideas

Unlike what gurus may tell you, self-care is not about following a prescribed method. It’s more about creating a toolkit for yourself that you can tap into at any time. Try lots of things to discover what works best for you in terms of processing emotions, protecting rest and relaxation time, and paying positive attention to yourself.

When you find what fits your lifestyle and tendencies, you’ll build the habit into a routine, into a new perspective.

Self-care is a set of practices that you can do to assure that you’re happy and healthy. Remember it is not selfish to prioritize yourself; it is necessary for your well-being.

Make self-care a part of your routine in your life, and you will be better equipped to face life's challenges with resilience and intention. Here are the three overarching ways to get the basics of self-care down. After these overarching categories are 100+ ideas for you based on time, energy, and cost.

  1. Physical self-care means taking care of your body. Eating food that nourishes your body, getting regular exercise and enough sleep, practicing good hygiene, drinking water, and stretching are just a few ways I take care of my body.

  2. Emotional self-care involves taking care of your emotional needs, by expressing your feelings, setting boundaries, and doing activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Even if that’s just walking the dog or spending 20 minutes outside in the sunshine.

  3. Mental self-care means managing stress, practicing mindfulness, processing events, seeking help when needed, and engaging in activities that promote mental wellness like journaling.

By prioritizing yourself, you can better manage stress, prevent burnout, and maintain a healthy balance in your life.

100+ unique self-care ideas that are easy and affordable

  1. Create your Vision of the life you want to live. Get clarity on where you’re headed. Define what success means to you. You’ll always be able to look back at this document and remember that your definition of success is yours and yours alone.

  2. Learn to say no, practice it, and use it liberally without apology.

  3. Go for a walk and take in the sights and sounds around you.

  4. Bring a picnic, a blanket, and a sketchpad, and turn it into a forest bathing session.

  5. Practice belly breathing.

  6. Try the 3-4-3 approach: inhale over 3 seconds, hold for 4, exhale over 3 seconds.

  7. Take a relaxing bath with your favorite scented oils or bubbles.

  8. Journal your thoughts and feelings to process emotions and release tension.

  9. Practice meditation or mindfulness to cultivate present-moment awareness.

  10. Listen to music that makes you happy.

  11. Get a massage to release muscle tension and promote relaxation.

  12. Take a cat nap. Or an afternoon nap.

  13. Read a book or magazine to escape into a different world.

  14. Take a yoga class to stretch your body and calm your mind. Try youtube for easy, free yoga classes that are mostly child’s pose and stretching.

  15. Watch a funny movie or TV show to lift your mood and make you laugh.

  16. Treat yourself to your favorite dessert or comfort food.

  17. Spend time with a loved one or friend who brings you joy.

  18. Practice gratitude by writing down things you are thankful for.

  19. Take a social media break to reduce screen time and stress.

  20. Same with games: Get rid of games that promote addictive behaviors and don’t stimulate your brain.

  21. Attend a concert and dance your heart out.

  22. Take up a new hobby or creative outlet to express yourself. Knitting, anyone?

  23. Go on a road trip or travel to a new destination to explore and gain new perspectives.

  24. Take a hot shower and practice mindful washing to relax your mind and body.

  25. Complete a meditative “body scan”, where over the course of 10-20 minutes you meditate on each part of your body starting from toes to the top of your head, deliberately relaxing each part as you go.

  26. Go for a swim or take a dip in a hot tub and release the tension in your muscles.

  27. Paint or draw to tap into your creative side and express your emotions abstractly.

  28. Spend time in nature by camping or hiking to connect with the earth and feel grounded.

  29. Try aromatherapy with your favorite essential oils to promote relaxation and calmness.

  30. Snuggle with your pets or a friends’ pets to feel that fluffy unconditional love and affection.

  31. Read a physical book or magazine, not from your phone screen.

  32. Create a vision board to represent your completed Vision.

  33. Take a dance class or go out dancing to release endorphins and jam out to that favorite song.

  34. Try a new type of recipe to stimulate your senses and expand your palate.

  35. Get a manicure or pedicure to treat yourself to some pampering.

  36. Go on an adventure to a historic site or museum to break up your routine and have fun.

  37. Take a relaxing bubble bath while listening to soothing music.

  38. Write a letter to yourself or someone you admire to express your appreciation.

  39. Try a new form of exercise like boxing or kickboxing to use different muscles and boost your energy levels.

  40. Spend time in the sun to increase vitamin D and boost your mood.

  41. Practice self-compassion by speaking kindly to yourself and practicing forgiveness.

  42. Go to a comedy club or improv show. Laugh and enjoy the live entertainment.

  43. Make a list of things you love about yourself and read it daily to boost your self-esteem.

  44. Spend time in a sauna or steam room to release toxins and promote relaxation.

  45. Take a photography class or go out and take photos of things that inspire you.

  46. Look back at old photos in albums and reminisce on good times. Bonus: Text embarrassing pics to your old friends and laugh about it.

  47. Attend a Vision workshop or self improvement course to learn and grow in a supportive environment.

  48. Practice self-care by setting boundaries and upholding them without fanfare.

  49. Spend time with friends who uplift and inspire you to feel good about yourself.

  50. Write down your dreams and aspirations and take steps towards achieving them.

  51. Practice visualization daily to make situations easier and to feel more confident.

  52. Pamper your skin with a new skincare routine or indulge in a facial.

  53. Spend time alone just resting and being. Recharge and reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

  54. Make a cup of your favorite tea or coffee and savor it mindfully.

  55. Walk to your favorite park or botanical garden to get fresh air, close to home.

  56. Learn a new language or skill to challenge your mind and inspire yourself to travel.

  57. Try a new style or fashion trend to express your personality and boost your self-image.

  58. Spend time volunteering or giving back to your community. Make connections with the other engaged neighbors in your community.

  59. Throw out your to-do list.

  60. Spend time in a library or bookstore and immerse yourself in the world of literature.

  61. Create a vision board of your ideal life and visualize yourself achieving it.

  62. Practice forgiveness towards yourself and if you can, others, to release negative emotions and promote healing.

  63. Spend time in a sensory deprivation tank or float pod.

  64. Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite and focusing on the taste and texture of your food.

  65. Buy yourself an ice cream cone.

  66. Attend a retreat, if you can afford it, to immerse yourself in a supportive community.

  67. Spend time in a natural hot spring or mineral bath to promote relaxation and rejuvenation. There is nothing like taking a dip in a cool river with no one in sight.

  68. Watch a sunrise or sunset and marvel at the beauty of nature.

  69. Try a new form of art therapy, like coloring or drawing mandalas, to promote relaxation and creativity.

  70. See your priest, pastor, rabbi, minister, or other spiritual mentor.

  71. Take a day trip to a nearby town or city and explore new sights and experiences.

  72. Write it out by journaling.

  73. Go to an art exhibit and immerse yourself in culture and creativity.

  74. Get enough sleep and prioritize your rest. Take a nap and don’t feel guilty.

  75. Hit the beach, lay on a blanket and close your eyes while you listen to the waves.

  76. Try a new form of dance or movement therapy, such as salsa or tai chi, to promote fitness and relaxation.

  77. Delegate tasks and ask for help when you need it.

  78. Get playful: Go to a trampoline center or gymnastics gym, jump it out and play in the ball pit or foam pit.

  79. Take a break from work or responsibilities and use your sick days to catch up on doctor’s appointments.

  80. Better yet, reschedule the doctor’s appointment and spend the day bingeing your favorite show.

  81. Eat breakfast. Slowly and leisurely with a nice cup of coffee.

  82. Try a new form of self-expression, such as improv, spoken word poetry, or stand-up comedy.

  83. Learn a musical instrument.

  84. Go to a real therapist, and try different modalities until you find the one that works best for you.

  85. Try something that challenges you, like acroyoga or rock climbing.

  86. If you’re working a 9 to 5, take 10 minute breaks every hour to stretch, go to the bathroom, and drink water.

  87. Reward yourself for hitting milestones in your Vision roadmap.

  88. Light a candle and enjoy the flicker and scent.

  89. Buy a houseplant and learn how to take care of it.

  90. Buy yourself flowers.

  91. Buy someone else flowers.

  92. Cry it out.

  93. Give a gift to someone you care about.

  94. Make a donation to a cause you care about.

  95. Clean your house.

  96. Clean out an old closet or cluttered area.

  97. Give 5 pieces of clothing away that you haven’t worn in 5 years.

  98. Service to others. This is also the 12th step in AA, and is frequent advice for those who lose their perspective in themselves.

  99. Donate 10 pieces of clothing you haven’t worn in 3 years.

  100. Watch a nature documentary and learn something about the earth.

  101. Do nothing. Take a breather and just look around.

  102. Meet your neighbors and do something nice for them.

  103. Do sun salutations in the morning.

  104. Don’t ruminate on things you can’t change or control. Watch Dr. Ramini videos to help you understand this.

  105. Practice letting go. Forgive if you can. Let people make mistakes.

  106. Above all, love yourself. Be kind, remember your journey is yours alone, and you are beautiful and amazing.

You are worth it, and enough. If you are in a position and you want change, know that you can. Contact me if you want guidance through this process.

Woman practicing self-care in bathtub listening to a meditation